Sunday, January 14, 2007

F*cking cold in LA, and I can't feel my toes...

I went to The Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight...

Every time I go to the one at the Nuart in Los Angeles, I always feel a little down. I'm not saying it's a bad show--it just reminds me how much I miss my "cast family" back in Columbus. As part of the Fishnet Mafia, my second home became Studio 35; a small indie theater with so much history attached to its walls... literally.

Old posters, photo collages plastered on the walls, the slight mildew smell coming from the back room where we changed into our costumes... God it was so much fun.

But alas, I'm out here in Los Angeles, and attending shows performed by Sins O' The Flesh. They remind me of my cast back home; they have fun, they improvise and mix things up, and they are fucking crass.

Well, tonight's experience was a bit of a bother. It didn't have anything to do with the group... it just happened to not really be my night. I pulled up Santa Monica Blvd, parked my car at a meter, and started to walk to the theater. It's cold, but I'm still wearing sandals because I had to cut open my shoes when I had that huge problem with gout in December. Yeah, I know... I need to buy new shoes... or at least wear socks. But halfway between my car and the Nuart I can't remember if I locked my car.

Do I go back and check? Do I keep moving? From my experience, if I don't check, that'll be the day I forget to lock it. Deciding on at least using the remote thingy on my keychain, I start to walk back so I can get in range. As I turn, my trench coat happens to bump over this stray bottle of beer--I hope to God it was beer--which promptly decides to pour its contents onto my very cold and very exposed foot.

It wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fact that the weather in LA decided to adopt Ohio's winter climate and chill down to a very cold 44 degrees. It also wouldn't have been so bad if I didn't think that the bottle might not have been a half consumed beer, but a deposit of some random drunk's piss instead.

I walk the rest of the way to the theater, purchase my ticket, and stand in line. In front of me is a poor girl shaking worse than a chihuahua, doing her impression of a toddler being hushed by a demented German nanny.

But that's not where the fun stops... I know that LA is going through some fucked up weather, but I wish I had an umbrella when a small storm cell happened out of nowhere to pour down raw eggs to those standing in line. I didn't stutter. I may have changed some details, but I didn't stutter. Some jerks decided to throw eggs at us from inside the comfort of their car. I wasn't hit directly, but again, my foot becomes victim to torture as egg-goo ricocheted off the concrete.

When we're finally let in, I buy my drink and a cookie. All is right in the world cause I now have a container of sugar and some chocolate. I can't attest to tonight's audience though... they were a little--well, a lot unresponsive. Between the lame Virgins who didn't want to participate in the Pre-show and the audience that was virtually silent, the energy of the group was low. Maybe it was the weather. There was a definite drop in the normal attendance, most likely because no one wanted to stand out in the cold.

At the end of the show, they announced their offer of an Annual Pass, which means that for a nominal fee I would be able to attend as many shows as I wanted to for the rest of the year. This would definitely be a huge money saver, especially since I was trying to figure out if I could actually afford going as often as I want to. I also asked about becoming part of Security; this would put me back in a cast, and also subsidize the whole "price of admission" thing. Consequently, because I asked about getting the Annual Pass, my picture was taken to be put on one. It just so happens that it's the best picture ever taken of me... but I have no access to the actual file. Poop.

After I got home, I was kinda surprised to find that I'm actually exhausted instead of recharged after seeing Rocky. Usually, the energy is so elevated in the group that you can't help but become hyper. Unfortunately this group didn't understand the experience of Rocky, and didn't help to raise that energy. Oh well, I guess I need to go to bed tonight anyway instead of just staying up.

Speaking of going to bed, I think that's what I'm going to do.